Our Story

At Solaraide, we believe in a future where energy is not just consumed, but consciously and sustainably harnessed. Born from a vision to revolutionize the way we interact with the most powerful resource above us - the sun - we have dedicated ourselves to the mission of making solar energy accessible to everyone. Our company's history is rooted in innovation, environmental stewardship, and an unwavering commitment to change the energy narrative for the better. Our quest began with a simple yet profound ambition; to illuminate the path toward a cleaner and more sustainable future through solar solutions that resonate with individuals and communities alike. From humble beginnings, our passionate team has worked tirelessly to bring cutting-edge solar technology to the forefront of everyday life.


Innovation-Driven Solutions

Our approach to solar energy is rooted in innovation and a constant pursuit of improvement. By leveraging the latest technology and materials, we ensure that our solar solutions are not only efficient but also ahead of the curve. This commitment to innovation enables us to offer products that meet our customers' diverse needs while pushing the boundaries of what is possible in renewable energy.


Environmental Stewardship

We are deeply committed to the environment, with every aspect of our business designed to minimize ecological impact. Choosing us means partnering with a company that not only aims to reduce carbon footprints but also actively contributes to the health and sustainability of our planet. We take pride in being leaders in the transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Customized Renewable Energy Solutions

Understanding that every individual and business has unique energy needs, we specialize in providing customized solar solutions. From the initial assessment to the final installation, our team works closely with you to tailor a system that not only fits your specific requirements but also aligns with our shared environmental values.


Expertise and Reliability

With years of experience and a team of experts at the helm, Solaraide stands as a beacon of knowledge and reliability in the solar industry. Our track record of success and customer satisfaction speaks volumes of our commitment to quality service and support. When you choose us, you’re guaranteed a partner who will guide you through every step of your solar energy journey with confidence and expertise.

450 +

Statewide Clients

550 +

Successful projects

150 +

Solar Technology

200 +

Unique designs

Our History

Founded by Aslam, Co: Solaraide was founded in Melbourne, Victoria In January 2021


Community Engagement

Building a Renewable Future Together

At Solaraide, we understand the power of community. We actively engage with local communities to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to make sustainable energy choices, thus nurturing a collective commitment to a greener future.

Customer-Centric Experiences

Your Satisfaction, Our Priority

At Solaraide, we prioritize your experience. From personalized consultations to after-sales support, we focus on providing exceptional service that addresses your needs and exceeds your expectations, making your transition to solar energy smooth and rewarding.

Transparency and Integrity

Honesty in Every Interaction

Transparency and integrity are the cornerstones of our operations. We believe in open, honest communication with all our stakeholders, ensuring that our processes, from manufacturing to installation, are conducted with utmost ethical standards.

Cutting-edge Research and Development

Pioneering the Future of Solar

Our dedication to research and development places us at the forefront of solar technology. We're committed to discovering new ways to improve solar efficiency and affordability, ensuring that our solutions remain at the leading edge of the renewable energy sector.

What we have

Our Successes Speak Volumes in Renewable Energy

In the evolving landscape of renewable energy, our accomplishments stand as a testament to our commitment and expertise:

Market Leadership
Web Designer 90%
Customer Satisfaction
Web Designer 90%

Ready to Get Started?

Curious about pricing or want more information tailored to your specific needs? Simply click the “Get your Quote” button, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you shortly with a personalized quote.