General Cost & System Size FAQs

The investment for a solar panel system in Australia varies depending on several factors such as system size, your roof type, and geographic location. On average, the price can range from AUD $2,000 for a basic setup to over AUD $6,000 for a more comprehensive system.

Identifying the right solar system size for your home requires considering your average electricity usage and peak consumption patterns. An assessment by a solar expert can provide you with a bespoke recommendation suited to your specific needs.

Costs can be influenced by the system’s capacity (measured in kilowatts), the type of your roof, its accessibility, and your home’s location which affects sun exposure. Quality of materials and chosen brand also plays a role.

Yes, we believe sustainability should be accessible to all, so we provide various financing options to assist our customers in making the transition to clean energy seamlessly and affordably.

Savings & Rebates FAQs

Savings can be significant with the adoption of solar panels. While the amount will vary based on your energy consumption and system size, many homeowners see a reduction in their electricity bills by 50 to 90 percent.

The Australian government offers incentives like the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, which can lead to discounts on your upfront costs. We can guide you through the available rebates and help you understand how they apply to you.

Add state gov rebate as well (SolarVictoria Website)

The payback period can range from 1.5 to 6 years but is dependent on various factors such as your electricity usage, the size of the system installed, and local sunshine hours. This investment in solar energy is not only financially smart but a leap towards sustainability.

Installation & Maintenance FAQs

The installation of solar panels typically takes 1 to 3 days, dependent on the scale and complexity of the system being fitted to your home.

Solar panels require minimal maintenance – periodic cleaning and an annual check to ensure everything is functioning optimally. We offer maintenance services to ensure your investment is well looked after.

Yes, our solar panel systems come with industry-leading warranties that cover performance, workmanship, and component parts.

Your home will remain connected to the grid unless you opt for an off-grid system. Grid-connected systems can still draw from the grid when necessary and even feed excess energy back for credit.

Technical Questions FAQs

Monocrystalline panels are highly efficient and space-saving, while polycrystalline panels are more affordable but generally have lower efficiency. Both types are viable options for harnessing solar energy.

A solar inverter transforms the direct current (DC) electricity generated by your solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is what powers your home and can be fed back into the grid.

Most roofs are capable of supporting a solar system without any issues. However, we perform an engineering assessment to ensure your particular roof structure meets the necessary requirements.

Installing solar panels has been shown to increase property values, thanks to the allure of reduced energy costs and environmental benefits. It’s an investment that pays dividends both now and in the future.

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